On the jobs-to-be-done and design principles for internal tools
Using the tidyverse's expressive data wrangling vocabulary as a preprocessor for elegant SQL scripts. *(Image source [techdaily.ca](https://techdaily.ca))*
An R package for maintaining controlled vocabularies to encode contracts between data producers and consumers
An introduction to browser-based interactivity of htmlwidgets -- no Shiny server required!
Using controlled dictionaries for low-touch documentation, validation, and usability of tabular data
Don't believe the documentation! Shiny modules aren't just for advanced users; they might just be a great entry point for development
Readings and assorted ideas about creating and maintaining low-overhead documentation
A few tips and tools for finding the right selectors to style in RMarkdown
A walkthrough of using the projmgr package for GitHub-based project management via R
A recommended tech stack for implementing RMarkdown Driven Development